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Sex, Sexuality and magnetism (part 2)

Sex, Sexuality and magnetism (part 2)

In the first part of this article we spoke about the factors that influence the sexuality and the sex, paying more attention to the processes occurring in men. But similar processes occur during sexual excitation in women.

The orgasm is still the most mystic moment in sexual reactions. The reactions of the body that occur in parallel with the experience of orgasm are also well researched. In the phase of orgasm, the blood pressure increase, also the work of the heart and respiratory activity are at their peak. The common muscle activity at this time is sharply increased.

From the above mentioned it is clear that:
1. The sexual experiences unlocks reactions not only in the sexual organs and the reproductive system. They cause complex physiological processes in the whole body and cover all areas of the psychology - perceptions, cognitive process, stress reactions, imagination, memory, etc;
2. From what we said in point 1 follows that all the factors which influence the physiological processes in the human body also influence the sexual experiences and sex. And if they stimulate the physiological processes stimulate for sure the sexual activity and the sex.

It is well known that the magnetic field affects the blood circulation system by reducing the opposition of the blood circulation and accelerates it in this way. Once the magnetic field facilitates the movement of blood, it obviously improves the blood flow to the genitals, which means easier to achieve sexual arousal and is a prerequisite for successful sex.
The improved circulation has also other aspects of influence over the sexuality:
1. By delivering more oxygen to the brain it improves the mental processes, the concentration and the stability of the attention. We already know that the sex and the sexual arousal are not only physiology but also psychology. In this sense, the improving of the mental processes and the ability for better concentration mean better control of the sexual arousal and the sex.
2. By improving the supply of oxygen to the organs and the cells in the human body, we increase our vitality and performance up to 30%, according some medical tests. There is no doubt that this will lead to 30% greater resistance of the sexual arousal and the sex, even more:
3. The magnetic field improves and facilitates the work of the heart, regulate the blood pressure, which undoubtedly leads to mitigation of the body’s reactions that accompany the sexual act (the sex)
This, however, is not exhausting the useful and stimulating influence of the magnetic field on the sexuality and the sex. As mentioned above, one of the ways in which the central nervous system controls the reactions of the body, consequently – the sexuality and the sex, is through the endocrine system and the hormone secretion.
Normal secretions (hormones) can be activated and regulated by the influence of the magnetic field.
Sometimes some glands causing hormonal secretion of other glands. Therefore, the stimulation of the hormonal function through the magnetic field can lead to surprising results in sex.

From the above said can be made an extremely important conclusion about our health:
The magnetic field, for sure improves the sexual activity, but unlike to all chemical agents, it improves the general health status of the organism and dramatically reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes in the wild and intense sex.

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