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Influence of the magnetic field on high blood pressure (part3)
In the two preceding articles in the series, we analyzed the factors affecting hypertension. This article will summarize the i...

Influence of the magnetic field on animals
The influence of the magnetic field on the sense of orientation in some fish (eg sharks and rays) and the movement of...

Influence of the magnetic field on the plants
A substantial part of the composition of the plants is water. It is known that the magnetic field affects the water b...

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Sex and sexuality

Sex, sexuality and magnetism (part1)
In inertia we associate the sex with the physiological processes occurring during the sexual act. But in recent years, the scientists are devoting more attention to the psychological aspects of the sexual relationship and quality of sex. The holistic approach to the sex and the sexuality does not minimize the role of the biological mechanisms that are basis for the innate behavioral patterns. It is a fact however, that the reflector responses are organized and controlled by going on the highe..
Sex, Sexuality and magnetism (part 2)
In the first part of this article we spoke about the factors that influence the sexuality and the sex, paying more attention to the processes occurring in men. But similar processes occur during sexual excitation in women. The orgasm is still the most mystic moment in sexual reactions. The reactions of the body that occur in parallel with the experience of orgasm are also well researched. In the phase of orgasm, the blood pressure increase, also the work of the heart and respiratory activ..
Magnetic field and the libido of people over 55 - part1
Due to the big interest to the problems of the libido in people over 55 years, we will discuss this topic in two articles. One of the characteristic of our times is to increase the life duration. A growing proportion of the world population is the so-called “third age”. Undoubtedly, the libido is one of the most important elements to maintain the desired quality of life. Is the aging of the body affect the libido and to what degree? Is it really have only negative influence? Can we ad..