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Effect of the magnetic field on the endocrine system

Effect of the magnetic field on the endocrine system

The endocrine system affects the cells in the body through chemicals called hormones. To orient into the mechanism by which the magnetic field affect the endocrine system, it is necessary to understand how the hormones interact with cells and how the magnetic field affects the hormones.
The hormones are released from the glands in the blood and are carried through the circulatory system. Some endocrine glands are activated by the nervous system, and some of the chemical changes in the body.
Through their receptors, the cells  identify the hormones suitable for them and extract them from the blood.
Normal secretions (hormones) can be activated and regulated by interference with the magnetic field. Glands are surrounded by capillaries, which are part of the circulatory system. The effect of the magnetic field stimulates the expansion of capillaries. This in turn causes enhanced transport of hormones to all parts of the body and improves general health status.
Sometimes some glands cause hormonal secretion of other glands. Therefore, regulation of hormonal function by magnetic field can lead to surprising results.
Dr. H. L. Bahnsen argues that weaken the functioning of the pituitary gland (which is responsible for the growth in the human body) can be adjusted by the effects of magnetic fields in combination with other treatments such as homeopathy, for example, if the disease is detected early enough.
After being oriented in the mechanism of action of the endocrine system, we know that the magnetic field acts positively on it, stimulate and regulate its functioning.
Unlike the nervous system, which acts directly on the muscles and the glands, the endocrine system due to its specificity, react more slowly. So if you need few hours of magnetic field action from the north magnetic pole or bipolar magnetic field to stop the pain, to improve the performance of the endocrine system will take several months. However, for effective impact on the endocrine system should be used bipolar magnetic field.

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