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Influence of the magnetic field on animals

Influence of the magnetic field on animals

The influence of the magnetic field on the sense of orientation in some fish (eg sharks and rays) and the movement of molluscs is observed long time ago. There have been serious scientific analysis of the importance of the magnetic fields in the migration of birds and the bees. When pigeons this peculiarity is used from long time to benefit of the people. Pigeons lost orientation under the influence of a magnetic field, for example, if to their heads is attached tiny magnets. It was found that the brains of whales contain magnetic elements that help them navigate.
After testing the seed, Dr. Davies explores the influence of the magnetic field from the north and the south magnetic poles on the development of the small animals. His team made the following experiment on eggs in the laboratory: twenty-four fertilized eggs were divided into three groups. One group was placed under the influence of the magnetic north pole, the other group under the influence of the south magnetic pole and the third is used as a control group and kept in a room without a magnetic field. During the experiment the maintain temperature is 25 C. The incubation period of the eggs placed under the influence of a magnetic south pole is two to three times less than the incubation period of the control group.
Conversely, the eggs under the influence of the north magnetic pole hatch two to three days after the control group.
Dr. Davis also explores the development of poultry under the influence of a magnetic field from south respectively from the north magnetic pole. The birds placed under the influence of the south magnetic pole grow faster, become larger, and reach maturity earlier, but they are stupid. Reaching maturity these birds are more aggressive. Birds evolved under the influence of the north magnetic pole grow more slowly than those in the control group were more skinny, eat less, but better oriented. Upon maturation began to eat more but not gain, seem to have gone through genetic modification.
Many experiments have been made to mammals. Experiments with mice showed that when females were exposed to the influence of the north magnetic pole, they give birth faster and less painful.
The American scientist Kathy Solis experiment for four years, exposing animals on bipolar magnetic field with strength 3000 gauss (strong magnetic field). The results are as follows: the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) increases, the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) decreases. Since the red blood cells are the main carriers of oxygen, the increasing their number rises the vitality. But reducing the number of white blood cells is undesirable because they are the foundation of the immune system. Before the test animals were injected with cancer cells. It was found that the number of cancer cells decreases under action of bipolar magnetic field, but after the termination of field influence, the number is rapidly recovering.
Dr. Davis has also done research in cancer field, but with unipolar magnetic field. Mice, rats and other small animals were injected with various cancer cells. In animals placed under the influence of south magnetic pole is observed improved circulation, improved digestion, stimulated cell renewal (both healthy and sick cells). Contrary, in sick animals placed under the influence of the north magnetic pole there is a decrease in disease progression and relieve of the pain.
An important conclusion from the results of these experiments is that if you use a strong magnetic field for therapy, it should be made compulsory under the care of a specialist in the field. When using weak magnetic fields, for compensation, in order to overcome the Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome, there is no risk of adverse effects, especially if it is used a bipolar magnetic field. In this case we simply mimic the conditions in which the living organisms develop under the influence of Earth's magnetic field, compensating it where it is missing.

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