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About Us

Dear Visitor,    

If you wish to know the history of creation of our team and the new fashion line of stylish leather accessories for magnetic therapy beMAGnetic, please, read this page!

We are friends from few European countries. In our group there are specialists in different fields: physic, holistic medicine and technology of production of real leather items.

We started to work for building the magnetic field in shoes and other accessories, made by real leather, as a hobby. (You can read in our site about necessity of using of compensatory magnetic items). Finally we set or purpose to create such magnetic products that everyone would use in order to compensate his magnetic deficiency without special efforts.

Our work for development of these products was non profit and we didn’t receive finances from government or other organizations.

While we were developing the magnetic leather accessories and we were searching for the best variants, we tested personally their utility. We were nicely surprised from their fast influence over our organisms.   

In larger trials we found out that:
-    Only for few days, people who have primary hypertension succeed to normalize their blood pressure, without using medicines;
-    Only for dozens hours the organism tones and the lasting fatigue magically disappears;
-    We had precedents, when the user feels so fresh, energetic and operable, as result of the improve blood circulation and he convalesce only with 2-3 hours sleep at night.

All this brought us to the conclusion that with our products we really improve the quality of life of the people who use them.

When observing the results of the tests and helping our family and friends, we decided to make the magnetic leather accessories beMAGnetic accessible for the millions of people in the world, who need them. We tried to offer the magnetic products for distribution in hospitals, pharmacies, mass commercial conglomerates etc. They refused under various pretexts, but behind them clearly perceived the conservatism and poorly hidden fear of impairment of certain material interests.

Challenged by this we took the decision to get to the millions interested people trough the most democratic media. So we created the e-store

We believe that the information published on our site will give answers to all your questions! And, of course, we are on your disposal to be as useful as possible to you!

Sincerely your’s ‘s team

Magnetic leather bracelets

       Magnetic leather bands for head

        Special magnetic leather bracelets